::have no choice but to do :::[熟語] …せざるを得ない{{br}} :::{{br}} :::★断固たる措置を採用せざるを得ないと考えております。{{br}} :::☆We think that we have no choice but to take a strong action.{{br}} :::★断固たる昼食を買い出しせざるを得ないと考えております。{{br}} :::☆I think that I have no choice but to go to buy a strong lunch.{{br}} :::★にゃんこたる措置を採用せざるを得ないと考えております。{{br}} :::☆I think that I have no choice but to take a catty action.{{br}} [『萌える英単語〜もえたん〜のガイドライン |http://that.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gline/1069583838/480]より: //480 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/27 12:54 ID:CVOCW89z ! 名有り They were very famous among the society called KAIWAI.. [アインシュタイン万歳!!草|http://etc.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1081599147/484]より // 484 :こまま草 :04/04/11 00:22